MHI Vestas Offshore Wind

“We primarily use Conference Manager for our customer events, for example in connection with large fairs. One of the things we are really happy with at MHI Vestas is that our data is stored for two years. This means that we can reuse / copy the frameworks we have used on previous events, which means that we can set up new events in no time. A big plus of the system is its ease of use. 

Conference Manager makes the sign-up process simple and straightforward – both for me as Event Planner and for all our guests for various corporate events. We only have positive recommendations from here.”

Camilla Harbo Christensen
Event Consultant, Marketing and Communications

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Version 1.2 of December 12, 2018



1.1The conditions in this Annex A to “Conditions for the use of Conference Manager™” version 1.8 of 25 September 2018 (“the Conditions”) constitute the data processing agreement that applies to Conference Manager A/S” processing of personal data when using Conference Manager ™
1.2Conference Manager A/S is a data processor for Conference Organizer, as Conference Organizer has purchased a license for the Conference Manager™ system from Conference Manager A/S and Conference Manager A/S in connection with this takes care of the data processing tasks described in Appendix 1 for Conference Organizer.
1.3The personal data processed by Conference Manager A/S includes the purposes of the processing, the categories of personal data and the categories of registered persons listed in Appendix 1.
1.4“Personal data” means any type of information about an identified or identifiable natural person, cf. Article 4(1) of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of 27 April 2016 (“the personal data regulation”). If, as part of the fulfillment of the Agreement, confidential information other than personal data is processed, e.g. information which pursuant to the Financial Business Act is considered confidential, any reference to “personal information” also includes the other confidential information.
1.5Definitions used in the Agreement must be understood in the same way as in the Conditions.


2.1Instructions: Conference Manager A/S is instructed to only process the personal data for the purpose of carrying out the data processing tasks set out in Appendix 1.
Conference Manager A/S may not process or use the personal data for purposes other than those specified in the instructions, including transferring the personal data to a third country or an international organization, unless Conference Manager A/S is obliged to do so under EU law or the legislation of a member state which Conference Manager A/S is subject.
If applicable, Conference Manager A/S must notify the Conference Organizer in writing of this legal obligation before the processing begins, unless relevant legislation prohibits such notification based on important societal interests.
2.2If the Conference Organizer in the instructions in Appendix 1 or specifically has given permission for a transfer of personal data to a third country or to international organisations, it is the responsibility of Conference Manager A/S to ensure that there is a legal basis for the transfer, e.g. The EU Commission’s standard contracts for the transfer of personal data to third countries.
2.3If Conference Manager A/S deems that an instruction from the Conference Organizer is in violation of the Personal Data Regulation or data protection provisions in other EU law or in the legislation of a Member State, Conference Manager A/S must immediately, in writing, inform the Conference Organizer of this.
2.4If Conference Manager A/S is subject to the legislation of a third country, Conference Manager A/S declares at the conclusion of the Agreement that Conference Manager A/S is not aware that the aforementioned legislation prevents Conference Manager A/S from complying with the Agreement, and that Conference Manager A/S will immediately inform the Conference Organizer in writing if Conference Manager A/S becomes aware that such an obstacle is present or will occur.


3.1Conference Manager A/S must ensure that the persons who are authorized to process the personal data are subject to unconditional silence regarding the information that they may come into contact with in their work for the Conference Organizer.

Conference Manager A/S must take the necessary technical and organizational security measures against the processing of personal data

(i)accidentally or illegally destroyed, lost or degraded,
(ii)comes to the knowledge of unauthorized persons or is misused, or
(iii)otherwise processed in violation of legislation, including the Personal Data Regulation.
3.3Conference Manager A/S must also comply with the special requirements for security measures that apply to Conference Organizers, cf. Appendix 1, as well as comply with the requirements for security measures that directly obligate Conference Manager A/S, including the requirements for security measures in the country where the Conference Manager A/S is established, or in the country where the data processing takes place.

The determination of the necessary technical and organizational security measures must take into account

(i)the current technical level,
(ii)the costs of the implementation as well
(iii)the nature, extent, context and purpose of the processing as well as the risks of varying probability and seriousness to the rights and freedoms of natural persons.
3.5Conference Manager A/S must, at the Conference Organizer’s request, provide the Conference Organizer with all necessary information so that the Conference Organizer can ensure that the necessary technical and organizational security measures have been taken.
3.6In addition, the conference organizer has the right, at its own expense, to appoint an independent expert who must have access to Conference Manager A/S” physical facilities for processing personal data and receive the necessary information to carry out the investigation of whether Conference Manager A/S complies its obligations under the Agreement. The independent expert cannot gain access to information relating to other Conference Manager A/S” Customers.
The expert must, at Conference Manager A/S’s request, sign a customary confidentiality declaration and treat any information obtained from or received directly from Conference Manager A/S as confidential, and may only share the information with the Conference Organizer. The conference organizer may not pass on the information or use the information for purposes other than assessing the extent to which Conference Manager A/S has taken the necessary technical and organizational security measures.
3.7Conference Manager A/S must provide the authorities and the Conference Organiser’s external advisers, including auditors, with all requested information in relation to the performance of the data processing task, to the extent that the information is necessary for their performance of the task pursuant to EU law or the legislation of a Member State.
3.8Conference Manager A/S must grant authorities who, according to EU law or the legislation of a Member State, have access to the facilities of the Conference Organizer and the Conference Organizer’s suppliers, or representatives acting on behalf of the authorities, access to Conference Manager A/S” physical facilities on presentation of proper identification.

Conference Manager A/S must, without undue delay, after becoming aware of this, inform the Conference Organizer in writing of

(i)any request from an authority for the disclosure of personal data covered by the Agreement, unless information by the Conference Organizer is prohibited under EU law or the legislation of a Member State,
(ii)any suspicion of, or finding of, (a) breach of security leading to accidental or unlawful destruction, loss, alteration, unauthorized disclosure of or access to personal data transmitted, stored or otherwise processed by Conference Manager A/ S under the Agreement, or (b) any other failure to comply with Conference Manager A/S” obligations under clauses 3.2 and 3.3 or
(iii)any request for insight into the personal data received directly from the data subject or from a third party.
3.10Conference Manager A/S must assist the Conference Organizer with the handling of any request from a person registered under Chapter III of the Personal Data Regulation, including requests for insight, correction, blocking or deletion. Conference Manager A/S must also implement appropriate technical and organizational measures to assist the Conference Organizer in fulfilling the Conference Organizer’s obligation to respond to such requests.
3.11Conference Manager A/S must assist the Conference Organizer in complying with the other obligations that may fall on the Conference Organizer under EU law or the legislation of a member state where Conference Manager A/S’ assistance is required, as well as where Conference Manager A/S” assistance is necessary for the Conference Organizer to comply with its obligations. This includes, among other things, but is not limited to, upon request, providing the Conference Organizer with all necessary information about an incident. This includes, among other things, but is not limited to, upon request, providing the Conference Organizer with all necessary information about an incident covered by point 3.9 (ii) as well as all necessary information for use in an impact analysis pursuant to Articles 35-36 of the Personal Data Regulation.
3.12In Appendix 1, Conference Manager A/S has provided the physical location of servers, service centers, etc., which are included in the execution of the data processing. Conference Manager A/S undertakes to inform the Conference Organizer in writing prior to changes to the physical location. This does not require a formal amendment to Appendix 1; prior written notice via post or email is sufficient.
3.13Point is empty.
3.14At Conference Manager A/S” or its sub-processors, assistance with audits, handling of requests from registered users, provision of information to authorities, etc. after this point 3, Conference Manager A/S is entitled to demand payment for time spent according to the hourly rate applicable at any time.


4.1The conference organizer is obliged to ensure that prior to each disclosure/transfer of information about a conference participant, speaker or other person, including when entering or otherwise publishing such information in Conference Manager™, the necessary authority for the collection, disclosure and processing is secured of the information, if such information is referred to in the Personal Data Regulation.
4.2This duty also applies in relation to information that a Conference Participant, Lecturer or other person gets access to enter or otherwise make available in Conference Manager™ via a login provided by the Conference Organiser.
4.3Conference Manager™ stores the information/data that is entered or otherwise made available in Conference Manager™ in relation to the conference/event, in the period leading up to the holding of the conference/event and in the period agreed upon, cf. Clause 11 of the Terms and Conditions .
4.4Ved udløbet af den aftalte opbevaringsperiode efter konferencens/arrangementets afholdelse vil adgangen til Conference Manager™ i forhold til denne konference/arrangement automatisk og øjeblikkeligt blive slettet uden yderligere varsel, og de informationer/data, der måtte være indtastet eller på anden måde gjort tilgængelig i Conference Manager™ af Konferencearrangøren selv eller af andre i forhold til konference/arrangementet, vil gå tabt, idet de automatisk bliver slettet uden mulighed for genetablering. Det er Konferenceafholders eget ansvar at udtage oplysninger, som denne ikke vil miste, fra Conference Manager™ inden udløbet af opbevaringsperioden.
4.5Såfremt arrangementet annulleres slettes alle lagrede informationer/data vedrørende arrangementet uden yderligere varsel. Informationer/data kan alene udlæses fra Conference Manager™, i det omfang der stilles rapporter og lignende til rådighed i Conference Manager™ applikationen.


5.1Conference Manager A/S må gøre brug af en underdatabehandler. På tidspunktet for indgåelsen af Aftalen anvender Conference Manager A/S de i Appendiks 2 anførte underdatabehandlere. Conference Manager A/S skal skriftligt underrette Konferenceafholder om eventuelle planlagte ændringer vedrørende tilføjelse eller erstatning af underdatabehandlere inden brugen påbegyndes. Konferenceafholder har ret til uden begrundelse at nægte brugen af en underdatabehandler. Ved ophør af brugen af en underdatabehandler skal Conference Manager A/S give Konferenceafholder skriftlig meddelelse herom.
5.2Conference Manager A/S skal forinden brug af en underdatabehandler indgå en skriftlig aftale med underdatabehandleren, hvori underdatabehandleren som minimum pålægges de samme forpligtelser, som Conference Manager A/S har påtaget sig ved Aftalen, herunder pligten til at gennemføre passende tekniske og organisatoriske foranstaltninger til sikring af, at behandlingen opfylder kravene i persondataforordningen.
5.3Konferenceafholder har ret til at få udleveret en kopi af Conference Manager A/S” aftale med en underdatabehandler, for så vidt angår bestemmelser i nævnte aftale, som vedrører databeskyttelsesforpligtelser. Conference Manager A/S hæfter over for Konferenceafholder for underdatabehandlerens opfyldelse af sine databeskyttelsesforpligtelser. Det forhold, at Konferenceafholder har meddelt samtykke til Conference Manager A/S” aftaleindgåelse med en underdatabehandler er uden præjudice for Conference Manager A/S” pligt til at efterleve Aftalen.


6.1Conference Manager A/S skal holde personoplysningerne fortrolige.
6.2Conference Manager A/S må ikke formidle personoplysningerne til nogen eller tage kopi af personoplysningerne, medmindre dette er absolut nødvendigt til varetagelse af Conference Manager A/S” forpligtelser over for Konferenceafholder i henhold til Aftalen og forudsat, at den, til hvem personoplysningerne overlades, er bekendt med oplysningernes fortrolige karakter og har indvilget i at holde personoplysningerne fortrolige i overensstemmelse med Aftalen.
6.3Hvis Conference Manager A/S er en juridisk person, gælder bestemmelserne i Aftalen enhver af Conference Manager A/S” medarbejdere, og Conference Manager A/S indestår for, at medarbejderne overholder Aftalen.
6.4Conference Manager A/S skal begrænse adgangen til personoplysningerne til de medarbejdere, for hvem det er nødvendigt at have adgang til personoplysninger for at kunne opfylde Conference Manager A/S” forpligtelser over for Konferenceafholder.
6.5Conference Manager A/S” forpligtelser efter nærværende punkt 6 består uden tidsbegrænsning, og uanset om Parternes samarbejde i øvrigt måtte være ophørt.
6.6Konferenceafholder skal behandle fortrolige oplysninger, som modtages fra Conference Manager A/S, fortroligt og må ikke uberettiget udnytte eller videregive de fortrolige oplysninger.


7.1Parterne kan til enhver tid aftale at ændre Aftalen. Ændringer skal være skriftlige. I det omfang ændringer af Aftalen medfører yderligere forpligtelser for Conference Manager A/S, er Conference Manager A/S berettiget til at kræve betaling herfor i henhold til den til enhver tid gældende timetakst.
7.2Conference Manager A/S må ikke overdrage sine rettigheder og forpligtelser i henhold til Aftalen uden Konferenceafholders forudgående skriftlige samtykke.


8.1Aftalen træder i kraft ved Konferenceafholders online godkendelse af Betingelserne og er gældende indtil den opsiges i henhold til punkt 16 i Betingelserne.
8.2Uanset Aftalens formelle aftaleperiode skal Aftalen vedblive at gælde, så længe Conference Manager A/S behandler de personoplysninger, som Konferenceafholder er dataansvarlig for.
8.3I tilfælde af ophør af Aftalen, uanset det juridiske grundlag herfor, skal Conference Manager A/S yde de fornødne overgangstjenesteydelser til Konferenceafholder. Conference Manager A/S er forpligtet til loyalt og hurtigst muligt at medvirke til, at databehandlingen overgår til en anden leverandør eller tilbageføres til Konferenceafholder. Conference Manager A/S er berettiget til at kræve betaling for medgået tid i forbindelse med dette i henhold til den til enhver tid gældende timetakst.
8.4Conference Manager A/S skal straks efter anmodning fra Konferenceafholder overføre eller slette personoplysninger, som Conference Manager A/S behandler for Konferenceafholder, medmindre EU-retten eller lovgivningen i en medlemsstat foreskriver opbevaring af personoplysningerne. Conference Manager A/S er berettiget til at kræve betaling for medgået tid i forbindelse med dette i henhold til den til enhver tid gældende timetakst.


9.1I tilfælde af uoverensstemmelse mellem bestemmelserne i Aftalen og bestemmelserne i andre skriftlige eller mundtlige aftaler indgået mellem Parterne, skal bestemmelserne i Aftalen have forrang. Bestemmelserne i punkt 3 finder dog ikke anvendelse i det omfang, der er fastsat strengere forpligtelser for Conference Manager A/S ved anden aftale mellem Partnerne. Herudover finder Aftalen ikke anvendelse, i det omfang der er fastsat strengere forpligtelser for Conference Manager A/S og/eller underdatabehandlere ved brug af Kommissionens standardkontrakter til overførsel af personoplysninger til tredjelande.


Dette Appendiks udgør Konferenceafholders instruks til Conference Manager A/S i forbindelse med Conference Manager A/S” databehandling for Konferenceafholder og er en integreret del af Aftalen.

Behandlingen af personoplysninger


Formål og karakteren af databehandlingen

Conference Manager A/S stiller systemet Conference Manager™ til rådighed for Konferenceafholder. Konferenceafholderens brug af systemet udgør Konferenceafholderens instruks til Conference Manager A/S i forhold til behandling af de personoplysninger, som Konferenceafholderen registrerer og anvender.


Kategorier af registrerede personer

I.Konferencearrangører og Konferenceafholder
IV.Leverandører, der leverer ydelser til konferencen
V.Andre brugere af Conference Manager™

Kategorier af personoplysninger

Navn, emailadresse, telefonnummer, adresse samt andre almindelige personoplysninger Konferencearrangøren eller Konferencedeltageren selv vælger at uploade


Særlige kategorier af personoplysninger

Ingen, med mindre Konferencearrangøren eller Konferencedeltageren selv vælger at uploade disse


Lokation(er), inklusive angivelse af land for behandlingen

Conference Manager A/S
Kongevejen 268
DK-2830 Virum

Anker Engelunds Vej 1
2800 Kgs. Lyngby


Særlige krav til sikkerhedsforanstaltninger, der gælder for Konferenceafholder



Ingen underdatabehandlere


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